Our iPad Drawing is Happening on 12/5/2023!

Dear Pilot Elementary School Families! 

Our Book Blast is almost over. We have just a few days left, and iPad day is on 12/5/2023!

The response has been amazing. Thank you so much for your support! There’s still time to get in on the fun. Keep those contributions coming! 

What’s to come:
1. iPad drawing – One lucky participating student will win!!
2. Completing the Treasure Map assignment can help your child’s teacher get classroom books and supplies.
3. Lots of books headed to our school to help build student’s home libraries. These will be delivered a couple of weeks after the event ends.

If you have not registered or want to add additional contacts, click the link below. Remember, invite 15+ friends/family to be entered into the iPad drawing.



Success Tip:
1. First, register and invite friends/family.
2. Then, post your student's personal link to social media.
Remember, 100% of all contributions stay with the school in the form of books for our students and books for our school.

Thank You!